Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Entrepreneurship Integration: The Sales Pitch

The Sales Pitch

1.    What movie that you saw recently that you did not like?
2.    Pen.

A. The Sales Pitch (Elevator Pitch) – is a communication tool that tells 
what you have to offer, 
what makes you different, 
and what you want to do 

but not to give so much information so that they feel overwhelmed and tune you out

-overview of an idea, product, service, project, person or other solution and is designed to just get a conversation started.

B. Why?
1.    Get the attention of the audience
2.    Interest the audience in continuing to talk
3.    Close the deal

C. How?
9 C’s of effective sales pitch:
1.    Concise
2.    Clear
3.    Compelling
4.    Credible
5.    Conceptual
6.    Concrete
7.    Customized
8.    Consistent
9.    Conversational

D. Steps:
1.    Thank the client for accommodating you.
2.    Introduce yourself and colleagues
3.    Give a Brief background of your company and products
4.    The Sales Pitch: FABs
5.    Cost-Benefit Analysis (if available)
6.    Q&A – Address any concerns or inquiries
7.    Close the deal if possible. If not, set next steps.
8.    End by thanking the group.

1.    Overpromise
2.    Stuck on your spiel

Activity 1:
In the space below, write a brief advertisement describing what talents, personal attributes and skills you bring to your home or future work life. Take no more than five minutes to prepare it and then exactly 30 seconds to read it through.

Buzz Words
30 seconds
Self Confidence
Eye Contact
Body Language

Activity 2
Every entrepreneur should have a short, concise speech ready whether they step onto an elevator or prepare to travel on an airplane. You never know who is going to be sharing the ride with you. The key words to keep in mind while crafting this message are: quick, powerful, and condensed. You won't have the investor's attention for long so condense this message.

For this project you will present an entrepreneurial opportunity to the class as an elevator pitch in business formal attire. You will be evaluated on the effectiveness of your delivery and the quality of the opportunity.
As the basis for your opportunity you can get you’re your own business idea or a business plan from someone else. E.g. you can find business plans on the internet or in Library

You are allowed exactly 90 seconds for your pitch and will be asked to stop at that point, so you need to be concise and well-rehearsed.

You are required to rehearse your Pitch prior to your in-class presentation. They will provide you with feedback to improve your Pitch.

This is by PAIR OR INDIVIDUAL. Choose your own. First Come First Serve.

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