Tuesday, September 06, 2011

My Spiritual Conviction

In my college yearbook, I wrote “Live and Let God” as my motto. Eight years after, I still have the same conviction. My smile may have been crooked at the corners by the circumstances of events but it is not a reason to stop living. Life goes on and God will always be there no matter what.

I am now thirty years old. They say it is the new midlife. My hands and feet will easily get tired. My memory will not be as sharp as it was when I was still a student. But my skills and talent will always be innovative and creative.  I always believe in living life with intensity by always reaching out for something new.
I was also taught to pray and work by my alma mater. I always take a moment to close my eyes and talk in silence to that someone looking over us. It is not important to me who that someone is as long as you have strong faith.  I believe in the saying that faith is the evidence of things unseen. I trust Him, myself and other people. Together we can make a difference one step at a time.

Wrote this as part of requirement of Executive Director's Training for YMCA