Saturday, November 28, 2015

Ent403: Who Moved My Cheese?

I.Time Frame:

II. Class Schedule:
Course Code: Entrep 403
Course Title: Entrepreneurship Integration

III. Objectives

IV. Subject Matter
1. Who Moved My Cheese?
2. Reference: Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

V. Procedure
A. Introduction
1. Daily Routine
a. Checking of Attendance
b. Vocabulary 
  List vocabulary words encountered during the reading and write definitions. 
1.) Hem
2.) Haw
3.) Sniff
4.) Scurry
c. Motivation
 Guess what the visual aid, a block of cheese, represents in connection to the title of the book; listen to the inside cover info; examine a teacher made poster with pictures representing metaphors for cheese in life; enjoy eating the cheese served with crackers.
d. Motive

B. Pre-Discussion
1. Video

C. During Discussion
1. Engagement Activity
a. Discussion Questions
1) Name the four characters.
2) Describe their personalities or their social styles. How are they different? How does each react to change? What scares each of them about change?
3) Why did the author use two little animals and two little people to make his point?
4) What does the cheese represent?               
5) What does the maze represent?
6) What does the book say to you in relation to change?
7) Which character do you represent?
8) What do you feel is the main message from the book?
9) If you had these 4 people working for you, how would you supervise each personality?
10) List pros and cons of the book.  Your personal likes or dislikes.
11) Discuss a problem or change event that is occurring in your life, community or school. Reflect the ways that Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw would react.
12) What, if anything did you learn from this story, and how might it affect your behavior in the future?
13) What represents the cheese in your life, and how has it changed? 
14) Which main character most represents the way you behaved when your cheese was moved?  Explain.
15) Identify a different situation where you have behaved (or might behave) like one of the other main characters in the story.
16) Which of the mice or little people are YOU similar to? 
17) Are you simple minded and uncomplicated like Sniff and Scurry? Or are you complex and complicated like Hem and Haw? 
18) How do YOU manage change? Are YOU ready for change? What would YOU do if YOUR cheese was moved? 
19) And the most important question is.....Are you ready for the day your cheese is moved? Because my friend, YOUR cheese WILL move. Will you panic and give up like Haw? Or will you analyze the situation and take control like Hem? Or will you just move onto new cheese like Sniff and Scurry?

VI. Assessment
1. Write a poem about change; 
2. Write an essay about how the ideas in the book have affected personal views about change; 
3. Make a collage of pictures/words depicting  personal cheese; write a fable or a parable.
4. Sticky note mosaic of maze
5. Write a journal entry about a change they had no control over and how they felt about it. 

I.              Arrange the following items according to the correct sequence of events.
Write A beside the item for the first event and O for the last event. (15 points)

___      1. Hem and Haw removed their running shoes.
___      2. Haw hears a sound in the maze.
___      3. Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw set off each day to find Cheese.
___      4. Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw imagine what the Magical Cheese will bring them.
___      5. Haw returns to Cheese Station C.
___      6. Haw tries to convince Hem to go into the Maze.
___      7. Sniff and Scurry discover the Cheese is gone and set off to look for New Cheese.
___      8. Sniff and Scurry find new Magical Cheese at Cheese Station N.
___      9. Hem and Haw discover the Cheese is gone and do nothing.
___      10. Haw sets off into the Maze,
___      11. Haw writes messages on the walls.
___      12. Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw find Magical Cheese at Cheese Station C.
___      13. Haw finds Cheese Station N, and Sniff and Scurry.
___      14. Haw find bits of Magical Cheese in the maze.
___      15.  Hem stayed in Cheese Station C.          

II.            Matching Type
            Identify the characters being described by the statements below by writing the     letter. A for Sniff, B for Scurry, C for Hem, D for Haw, E for None of the Above, F
            F for all of the above.

___      1. At first he keeps changing his mind, but is able to laugh at his fear of change.
___      2. Anticipates change sooner than other people.
___      3. Can adjust.
___      4. Gets trapped by his reluctance to change.
___      5. Because he anticipates, He is better prepared for change.
___      6. Alert to small changes that may lead to larger changes.
___      7. Expects change to occur in life.
___      8. Can adapt and change
___      9. Is able to see the real situation.
___      10. Gets angry, blames others, gets depressed.
___      11. Is happy when he changes and finds something better.
___      12. Gets hemmed in by his reluctance to change.
___      13. Wants to stay in comfortable surroundings.
___      14. Gets stuck in fear and discomfort.
___      15. Cannot adapt and doesn’t change, so he loses
___      16. Moves  into action quickly when change occurs, so he changes and wins sooner than other people.
___      17. Easily changes direction, if needed.
___      18. Gets irritated easily.
___      19. Lazy.

___      20. Kind and generous.

VII. Assignment

Haw wrote messages on the walls of the maze. What do they mean to you?

Having Cheese Makes You Happy.

What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

When You Stop Being Afraid, You Feel Good!

The Sooner You Let Go Of The Old Cheese, The Sooner You Find New

Imagining Your New Cheese Helps You Find It!

Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old.

Move To The New Cheese And Enjoy It!

“Life is no straight and every corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of 
passages, through which we must seek our way, lost and confused, now and again checked in a blind alley.
But always, if we have faith, God will open a door for us, Not perhaps one that we ourselves would ever 
have thought of, But one that will ultimately prove good for us.” ~A.J. Cronin

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

ENT101 Lesson 2: Myths about Entrepreneurs

I.Topic: Myths about Entrepreneurs
II. Objectives: 1.      To identify and explain myths and realities about entrepreneurs
III: Time Duration: 30 minutes
IV.  Materials:
·         Photocopy of the lesson
·         Manila paper as visual aid
V: Procedure:
A.Preliminary Activity
a.       Unfreezing activity
Give at least 5 things that comes into your mind when you hear the word “entrepreneurs”. We will find out if those things have some relations to the myth about entrepreneurs.
b.      Objectives:
1.      To identify and explain myths and realities about entrepreneurs

B. Developmental Activity
           a.       Outline
 1. Myths 
 2. Realities

 “It Takes Money to Make Money”
·         This is perhaps the oldest entrepreneur’s myth of all.
·         The first thing out of a naysayer’s mouth when confronted with a successful entrepreneur is “he must have had an inheritance/been rich/etc.” In fact, the world is full of self-made men and women who did not start out with any great deal of money.
·         Many entrepreneurs have started businesses amidst troubling financial circumstances and only prospered monetarily once their companies took off.
You Need a Great Idea”
·         Another commonly imagined stumbling block to being an entrepreneur is lack of a “great idea.”
·         Somewhere along the line, “entrepreneurship” became synonymous in the public mind with “new-age” or “unconventional.”
·         But while some entrepreneurs run unorthodox businesses, just as many (and probably far more) succeed in industries that are as old as commerce itself.
·         The owner of a restaurant, laundromat, or carpentry business is no less an entrepreneur than the founders of the next YouTube nestled in an expensive city loft.
·         Furthermore, a “great idea” is less important than a profitable, proven business model.
“You Need a Business Plan”
·         Countless would-be entrepreneurs have delayed starting businesses because they did not have a lengthy, formal business plan.
·         It has long been insinuated that “real” businesspeople do not take any kind of action without massive planning in advance.
·         But while there is a grain of truth to this idea, it is not fully accurate, either.
·         What needs to be firmly understood before committing to a venture is the basic, underlying business model: who are the customers, what do they want, and can you profitably supply it.
·          Beyond that, it is a waste of time to create elaborate plans and forecasts that will likely change later on.
“You Need to be Lucky”
·         Sometimes, the runaway success of an entrepreneur seems explainable only by luck. “How else could Bill Gates have become the world’s richest man?”, is a frequently asked question.
·         Yet luck is not the essential ingredient to business success that we often believe it to be.
·         Bill Gates, specifically, was the beneficiary of tremendously good luck (in addition to being smart and resourceful.)
·          But scores of less celebrated businesspeople prospered with hard work, drive and intelligence.
·          Most people are best served utilizing these things rather than waiting for their entrepreneurial “ship” to come in.
“You Need Support From Family & Friends”
·         There are plenty of books and stories about entrepreneurs who were bolstered by moral support from family and friends.
·          Full-fledged endorsements of self-employment are especially common in stories of child or teenage entrepreneurs.
·         This, too, is more the exception than the rule.
·         It’s easy to give someone a pat on the back once their company has succeeded, but such praise is rarely as forthcoming in the early, unproven days of a fledgling venture.
·         Rather, friends and family are more likely to urge you toward a more proven path involving school or a “guaranteed” career.
“You Need a Type-A Personality”
·         Without question, vast numbers of entrepreneurs come off as tense, assertive and irritable.
·          Psychologists and psychiatrists describe people who chronically exhibit these behaviors as having “Type-A” personalities.
·          A Type-A personality is not, however, a requirement of working for oneself.
·         The reason Type-A’s often thrive in entrepreneurial roles is that they tend to be extremely focused, alert and driven.
·          If you can will yourself to embrace the entrepreneurial lifestyle (self-motivation, task management, adherence to external or self-set deadlines), there is nothing to say you cannot also be a relaxed and fun-loving person.
“You Need Perfect Timing”
·         Some entrepreneurs can honestly say that the timing was right for them to go into business. Perhaps they were young, unmarried and not in debt.
·          Undoubtedly, such circumstances can be more conducive to business success than others.
·          That said, they are hardly a baseline necessity.
·         In reality, few entrepreneurs are likely to say that the timing was perfect for them.
·         This is especially true as you age, when deciding to open a business usually entails a radical shift in career paths.
·          Even younger businesspeople often find themselves juggling college in tandem with their start ups – far from an easy task, and hardly “perfect timing.”
“You Need to Succeed Immediately”
·         The most celebrated people in any field tend to be those who succeeded right out of the gate.
·         Michael Jordan, Eddie Van Halen, and (in business) Google are cultural icons largely because of how quickly they established themselves as big-time stars.
·         Fortunately, there is room in the business world for people who make mistakes en route to jsucceeding.
·          Winston Churchill famously said that “success consists of going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” Along these lines, many entrepreneurs have prevailed after withstanding repeated false starts.
“Everyone Can Do It”
·         The flip side of the “entrepreneurs have special abilities or circumstances” myth is the idea that “everyone” is capable of working for themselves.
·          In actuality, not everyone is capable of pulling it off.
·         There are several important differences between entrepreneurship and employment, and some are incapable of making the needed adjustments.
·         If you are the kind of person who cannot get work done without external pressure (like the hounding of a boss), for instance, then self-employment is probably an unrealistic goal.

C. Closure Activity
Assessment Activity
·        Quiz
1. You know you are a real/true entrepreneur if...(Tunay kang Entrepreneur Kung...)
2. Write M if the idea presented describes a MYTH ABOUT ENTREPRENEURS and R if the idea presented describes a REALITY ABOUT ENTREPRENEURS on the space provided. Each question is worth 1 point. NO ERASURES OF ANY KIND. USE BALLPEN OF ANY COLOR. (10 points)

1.     Entrepreneurs rip people off.
2.     Entrepreneurs use formal traditional business approaches such as market research etc.
3.     Entrepreneurs take carefully callculated risks.
4.     Entrepreneurs are born not made.
5.     More than one source of financing is used in most cases of starting a business.
6.     Innovation comes from large corporates businesses
7.     Entrepreneurs are doers not thinkers.
8.     Entrepreneurs are always inventors.
9.     The potential of entrepreneurhsip is in each of us.
10.   With entrepreneurship, it is not the goals we focus on but the means.

Presenter: Joseph Batas

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Business Psychology Syllabus

1. Course Syllabus Orientation
2. Setting /Leveling of Expectancies
3. Sharing of Personal Identity
4. Classroom Policies and Procedures
5. Project Grouping

I. Business Psychology Defined

II. Leadership and Gender Stereotypes

III. Leader-Member Exchange Theory

IV. Workplace Diversity

V. Sexual Harassment

VI. Who Move My Cheese

VI. Evaluating Work Performance

VII. Motivation and Performance

IX. Work Teams

X. Judgment and Decision Making

XI. Job Attitudes

XII. Work Family Balance

XIII. Training in Organization

XIV. Selection

XV. Justice

XVI. Personality and Work

VIII. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

IX. Resume Writing and Job Hunting

1. Projects (Marketing Plan/Research/Seminar/Symposium/Workshop)
2. Class Standing/Participation (Film Showing/Employment Portfolio,
Seatworks/Recitations/Assignments/ Exercises/Worksheets/ Reaction/Reflection)
3. Attendance, Punctuality and Conduct
4. Examinations (Midterms and Finals)
5. Long Quizzes

Mid-Term/Final Exams 35%
Long Quizzes 20%
 *Average of 4 Long Quizzes
Projects 25%
Class Standing/Participation 20%
TOTAL 100%
NOTE: This syllabus allows flexibility to accommodate revisions and/or as
 the course progresses.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey