Sunday, December 13, 2015

Interview with the Entrepreneur: Bosito Bakery

  Who is the entrepreneur/founder of the business
  Mr. Benjamin B. Bosito

  Who is the business/venture?
  Bakery and Grocery

  When did the business start?

  How effectively does the founder/entrepreneur
  When the time that the founder searching for a perfect please to put the business, they choose monreal Masbate
  as a perfect location because of few competitor and also the bread or the flagship product of the business are 
  very suitable in that place because it’s one of the second food of people aside of rice and also because of god 
  relations to the costumer and proper price we managed to established the business for almost 11 years.

  What motivated you on starting the business?

  Poverty,  we are just simple people live in a farm we work different type of work since after we graduate in 
  high school with my wife, then time come that we born a child my eldest son, one of my reason why I need to 
  earn money , my brother and sister had a bakery  we work for them and then we me and my wife decided to 
  make also a bakery.

What experiences would have been invaluable to obtain prior to starting the business?

  First the owner or the founder should attain right skills in making a bread, and then second you are
  hardworking person  and also you have the right skills to manage your bread maker or your bake, and last you are always positive.
How was the idea conceived for the business?
Need by the villagers/people it is marketable and easy to sell out.

What process did the founder follow in developing the business? For instance did the founder write a business plan, search for financing, etc.? Was the process successful?
First developing skills through practice, we make a business plan but not in a written way. We used brain storming method. Yes for almost 11 years I can say that the plan was very successful

What have been the biggest issues the entrepreneur has faced at different stages of the venture?

Competing to other bakery.

How did he/she deal with these issues?

We make the price appropriate to the costumers.

What are the major personal goals and organizational goals that the entrepreneur has going into the next several years.

Major personal goal to obtain the life of being abundant, to help my worker and other people in terms of giving them work. To earn money to get also their dreams.
We want to build more branches, and also we intended to build different type of business like t shirt printing and design and we are open also to different opportunities that might come in in the future

How do you innovate?

Give incentive, and also in pricing we have a style on how we price the product.

How do you satisfy the expectation of your clients?

giving them good price and delicious bread

Do you plan to make branches or franchise of your business

We plan to build or make another branch but in franchising so far we didn’t plan it yet.

What would the entrepreneur have done differently at the initiation of the venture


What words of wisdom can you give us?
“Poverty is not a hindrance to prosper and get your dream’’
“To become successful you need to sacrifice and work hard”

  Identify the key takeaway from the conversation
 In starting the business you need to plan it.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Micro Market Analysis

Micro marketing is a strategy used to target a small segment of consumers with specific needs for products in the market. In micro marketing, all advertising efforts are strongly focused on a small group of highly targeted consumers.

          This is group observation work when students see first hand the three factors of MICRO MARKET analysis at work:
2. LOCATION, and

1.   Go to a mall and observe:
a..      One fast food vs. another (Wendys vs. Jollibee vs. McDo.). Other variants…
1.)      Chinese restaurant
2.)      Steakhouse restaurant
3.)      Coffee shop
4.)      Pizza
5.)      Turo-turo vs. another point-point
6.)        Fine dining

2.      Describe / observe the following:
a.       CUSTOMERS
              - people – age, sex, occupation
              - behavior – what do they order? How long do they stay?
              - occasion – what’s the occasion of visit to the enterprise?
              - social class
              - and other relevant observable behavior
b.       LOCATION
              - describe location vs. traffic flow, pedestrians, prevalent  activity   and area – commercial,                           industrial, surrounding areaetc?
             - how does location affect customer profile?

          - menu – Product / Price
          - level of service – Caring? Attentive? Lousy?
          - speed of service – (delivery) Slow? Fast?
          - facilities
          - capacity
          - design layout

Scope and Limitation
• Limited to two _________, one for each store
• Different locations and schedule of visit
• Observation was done within 1 hour of staying inside the store
• No interaction with customers
• Interaction with staff was limited to purchasing their product

• Observation Method
• Researcher Participant – Physical surrounding – Staff – Customer – Discrete observation


            An internet research does not qualify for this assignment and gets 0. This paper is result of pure unadulterated observation.


Saturday, December 05, 2015

Biz Plan/FS Compliance Sheet

College of Business Education
Legazpi City


Title :
Candidate :
Chairperson :
Panelists :
Date :

A side-head refers to a major section of a chapter.
A sub-head refers to a specific topic under a side-head.
The proponents are the people who conceptualized the business idea and who are planning to put up the proposed business.

The use of first-person pronouns (I, we, me, us, our, my, ours, etc.) and second-person pronouns ( you, your, yours) is prohibited in the paper


1. Title Page - includes details pertaining to the study
2. Recommendation for Defense
3. Result of Defense
4. Approval Sheet - contains the title of the study, the students’ names, their course, the name of the school, and the signatures of the oral examination panel, the reader and the dean of the school. This sheet proves that the study has been thoroughly examined and that it is accepted as a legitimate course work
5. Dedication (optional) – bears the names of persons to whom the proponents wish to dedicate their work. der and the dean of the school. This sheet proves that the study has been thoroughly examined and that it is accepted as a legitimate course work
6. Editor’s Certification
7. Acknowledgement
8. Table of Contents
9. List of Tablestables used to analyze data are listed in order of their appearance in the paper. This part follows the format of the table of contents. This sheet proves that the study has been thoroughly examined and that it is accepted as a legitimate course work
a. Duties and Responsibilities of each Personnel
b. Historical Data
c. Projected Target Market
d. Projected Supply
e. Demand Supply Gap
f. Projected Sales - Annually
g. Projected Sales - Monthly
h. Advertising Expense
i. Compensation Scheme
j. Partners Contribution
k. Utilities Requirement
l. Projected Production Volume
m. Cost of Raw Materials
n. Cost of Utilities
o. Cost of Office Supplies
p. Organizational Cost
q. Required Quantity of raw Materials
r. Cost of Equipment and Tools
s. Cost of Furniture and Fixtures      
10. List of Figures - figures and illustrations are enumerated in chronological order. This part also follows the format of the table of contents. This sheet proves that the study has been thoroughly examined and that it is accepted as a legitimate course work
a. GANNT Chart
b. Vicinity Map
c. Business Logo
d. Organizational Chart
e. Sample Flyer
f. Production Flow Chart
g. Equipment and Tools
h. Brand Name/Trade Name
i. Website
j. Supplies
k. Furniture and Fixtures
l. Package Design
11. Executive Summary - this contains the summary and highlights of the paper. The information contained in the abstract (in order) are: title, proponents, school, adviser, statement of the problem, methods and procedures, summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations.
a. Project Proponent
b. Project Name
c. Type of Business Organization

1. Form of Ownership
2. Organizational Chart
3. Vision, Mission and Goals
4. Key Personnel
5. GANNT Chart
6. Systems and Form Design

1. Market Description
2. Demand Analysis
3. Supply Analysis
4. Demand Supply Gap Analysis
5. General Marketing Practices
a. Current Market Conditions
b. Competitive Analysis
6. Proposed Marketing Program
a. Target Market
b. Sales Force
c. Product Mix Strategies
d. Market Timing and Scheduling
e. Pricing Strategies
f. Transportation and Delivery Strategies
g. Advertising and Promotion Strategy
h. Storage and Warehousing Strategy
i. Branding and Packaging Strategies
j. Terms and Conditions of Sale
7. Sales Projection
8. Systems and Form Design

1. Product/Service Description
2. Production/Service/Manufacturing Process
3. Plant Size and Production Schedule.
4. Project Site/Vicinity Map/Perspective/Plant Location
5. Project Layout/Floor Plan/Plant Layout
6. Building and Facilities
7. Raw Materials
8. Waste and Waste Disposals Method/Scheme
9. Cost of Machineries and Equipment
10. Cost of Furniture and Fixtures
11. Cost of Office Supplies
12. Organizational Costs
13. Utilities
14. Systems Form and Design

1. Financial Assumptions
2. Projected Financial Statements
a. Pre Operating
1. Projected Cost
2. Equity Financing/Amortization Schedule
b. Operating
1. Projected Profit and Loss/Statement of Financial Performance
2. Projected Cash Flow
3. Projected Balance Sheet/Statement of Financial Position
3. Financial Analysis
a. Variable Cost
b. Fixed Cost
c. Break Even Analysis
1. Profit Break Even Point Sales Volume for Multiple Product Service Business
d. Return on Asset
e. Return on Invstment
f. Cash Payback Period
g. Payback
h. Current ratio
i. Debt to Equity
4. Critical Risk

The socio- economic aspect discusses in detail the benefits to be derived from the proposed business. it highlights the contributions of the business to the economy, society and community where it will operate.

The socio – economic aspect aims to:
Discuss the social benefits that will be contributed by the proposed business.
Identify the economic implications of the proposed business.

a. Social Implications
This is the first sidehead of chapter 5. This part identifies the social contributions of the proposed business. It enumerates the ways by which the proposed business is expected to contribute to the society and the immediate community. A business must always be established to uplift the lives of people in the community that will translate to greater benefits to the society. The proponents must state their plans on how to improve the lives of the people who live in their immediate community. They must also identify how the business will create a better society.

b. Economic Implications
This is the second and last sidehead. It discusses the contributions of the proposed business to the general economy. It must include discussions about the effects of the proposed business on prices, local suppliers, taxes, social services, and competition. Overall economy for the country.

NOTE: it is always better to make sure that you QUANTIFY the benefits that will be contributed by the proposed business(e.g. how much taxes? How many jobs?...)

APPENDICES - are attachments that are relevant to the study and include documentary evidence that the study was really conducted.
1. Curriculum Vitae - includes the resume of the business proponents – the people who conducted the study.
2. Letter to Respondent
3. Survey Questionnaire
4. Samples of filled Survey Questionnaire

BizOp2 Preliminary Exam

Business Opportunities 2
Preliminary Exam

Name: ___________________________________   Date:    ____________
Year and Course: __________________________   Score:  ____________

1.     As an entrepreneur,
a.     How can you convince Overseas Filipino Workers to work in the Philippines? Give 3 specific ways.
b.     How can Legazpi City be like Cebu/Subic? Give 2 specific ways.
c.     How can you solve the unemployment/underemployment in the Philippines. Give 3 specific ways.
2.     Identify the parts/elements of a Project Proposal.
3.     Explain 3 characteristics of Filipino workers that make them attractive to the workforce.

4.     What should you do before writing a project proposal? Give 2 specific.

Friday, December 04, 2015

Entrepreneurial Behavior Prelims

Entrepreneurial Behavior
Preliminary Exam

Name: ___________________________________   Date:    ____________
Year and Course: __________________________   Score:  ____________


I. TRUE/FALSE. Write T if the idea presented in each statement is correct and F if it is not on the space provided. Each question is worth 1 point. NO ERASURES OF ANY KIND. USE BALLPEN OF ANY COLOR. (5 points)

1.     Entrepreneurial process involves all the functions, activities and actions associated with perceiving opportunities and creating organizations to pursue them.
2.     Government Policies is a pull factor in the entrepreneurial decision process.
3.     Ben Chan is the CEO of Suyen Corporation.
4.     “Looking back, the day that I got fired was the best day of my life” is a pull factor in the entrepreneurial decision process.
5.     Entrepreneurs are comfortable in paradoxical situations.
II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. In this part only, Encircle the letter that corresponds with the best answer. Each question is worth 1 point. NO ERASURES OF ANY KIND. USE BALLPEN OF ANY COLOR.  (5 points)

1. Success begets success is a belief of an entrepreneur that can be best describe as?
a)     innovative
b)    decision maker
c)     tender
d)    positive thinker
e)     all of the above

2. What do you call one who bears uncertainty, buy labor and materials and sell products at uncertain prices?
a)     Businessman
b)    Corporators
c)     Entrepreneurs
d)    Managers
e)     Both b and c

3. When an entrepreneur find ways to make new products or services, new methods of production, new markets and new sources of raw materials. This best describes that entrepreneurs are?
a)     Decision Maker
b)    Hardworking
c)     Innovative
d)    Positive Thinker
e)     Creative

4.  If an entrepreneur has the ability to learn, he does the following pertinent activities EXCEPT?
a)     When the business is still small, he does everything
b)    He send workers for training
c)     He attended related seminars
d)    Acquire basic training in small business
e)     Both b and c

5. The characteristic of an entrepreneur that enables him to be unmindful of his social status and finds pride in doing hands on work with the workers is:
a)     creative
b)    happy
c)     helpful
d)    humble
e)     none of the above

III. COMPLETION. Fill up the missing word/s on the blank to complete the sentence. Each item is worth 1 point.
1.     An example of high business risk is ________________________________________________________.
2.     An example of a lose-win approach in negotiation is ______________________________________________
3.     An example of pakikipagkapwa tao of an entrepreneur is ________________________________________________
4.     An example of intrapreneurship is __________________________________________________________________

IV. IDENTIFICATION. The ideas presented in the sentence are MYTHSABOUT ENTREPRENEURS. Rewrite the sentence on the space provided so that the idea becomes REALITY ABOUT ENTREPRENEUR (4 points)

1.     Entrepreneurs rip people off.

2.     Entrepreneurs use formal traditional business approaches such as market research etc.

V. MATCHING TYPE. (10 points)
Identify the Personal Mastery being described by the sentence by writing the letter.
A-    To Think       D- To Do                                G- To Be
B-    To Intuit        E- To Communicate
C-    To Feel          F- To Lead

______1. Use of the memory.
______2. Use of gut feel.
______3. Emotional Self Awareness
______4. Creating a business plan.
______5. Replacing an empty mind with an open one.

Identify if the idea being described in the sentence is an Entrepreneur by writing A or  Manager, by writing B.
_______1. Short Term Oriented
_______2. Long Term Oriented
_______3. Low Risk Taker, tries to avoid mistakes
_______4. External Standards, Oriented towards rewards and punishments in the organizations
_______5. Internal Standards, rewards himself or herself

VI. ESSAY/SHORT ANSWER.  You can use the back part of the sheet for your answers. NO ERASURES OF ANY KIND. USE BALLPEN OF ANY COLOR.

1. Name 8 entrepreneur featured in the youtube video Entrepreneur State of Mind: New Dork. (8 points)
2. Name 5 advantages of entrepreneurship according of importance/relevance. The item ranked 1 is the most important to you and 5 is the least important to you. Write a short paragraph explaining your rankings. (5 points)
3. Create a schematic diagram that will answer the question:  “What is the difference between an Entrepreneur, Inventor, Promoter and Manager in terms of:
a. Level of creativity and innovativeness
b. General Management Skills/Business Know How (5 points)
4. Describe in one sentence only the following types of Entrepreneurs (14 points)
a.     Idealist
b.     Optimizers
c.     Hard Workers
d.     Sustainers
e.     Improver
f.      Advisor
g.     Superstar
h.     Artiste
i.      Visionary
j.      Analyst
k.     Fireball
l.      Jugglers
m.    Hero

n.     Healer