Saturday, December 05, 2015

BizOp2 Preliminary Exam

Business Opportunities 2
Preliminary Exam

Name: ___________________________________   Date:    ____________
Year and Course: __________________________   Score:  ____________

1.     As an entrepreneur,
a.     How can you convince Overseas Filipino Workers to work in the Philippines? Give 3 specific ways.
b.     How can Legazpi City be like Cebu/Subic? Give 2 specific ways.
c.     How can you solve the unemployment/underemployment in the Philippines. Give 3 specific ways.
2.     Identify the parts/elements of a Project Proposal.
3.     Explain 3 characteristics of Filipino workers that make them attractive to the workforce.

4.     What should you do before writing a project proposal? Give 2 specific.

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