Thursday, June 11, 2015

P.F.S./Biz Plan1 Lesson 4: Organizational Structure

I.Time Frame:
1. Date: June 11 and 16, 2015
2. Number of Hours: 3 Hours
3. Time: 930 - 1130

II. Class Schedule:
1. Course Code:
2. Course Title: Business Plan 1
3. Year: BS Entrepreneurship 3
4. School: DWCL

III. Objectives
1. Create Organizational Structure

IV. Subject Matter
1. Organizational Structure

V. Procedure
1. Daily Routine
a. Checking of Attendance

2. Motivation
a. How do you organize your life?

3. Motive Question
a. How do you organize and run a business?

3.Vocabulary Building
a. Organizational Structure

3. Pre-Discussion
a. Students will be given manila paper, cartolina, scissors and paste.
b. Using the materials, student will create organizational stucture of their chosen business

4. Discussion
a. Engagement Activity
Types of Organizational Structure
A. Line
1. Oldest form of organization
2. Simplest form of organization
3. Quicker decisions due to top-to-bottom chain of command
4. Lack of specialization

B. Line-and-Staff
1. More complex than line organization
2. Allows for experts at different levels 3. Specialization 4. More costly than line organization

C. Matrix
1. Project teams
2. No consistent organization structure 3. Matches skills with projects

D. Team
1. Permanent work teams 2. Self-directed teams-autonomy over planning and reviewing work 3. Team leader as facilitator 4. Feedback from customers important

VI. Assessment
1. Short Quiz
Q: Which form of organizational structure is the oldest and simplest?
A: Line organization is the most traditional form of organization.

Q: Which organizational structure works best for temporary projects? A: The matrix form of organization. Q: Line-and-staff organization is the preferred structure in what types of situations? A: This structure is best suited where specialization is needed at different levels of an organization. Q: What is a characteristic of a decentralized organization? A: Decision-making is generally left to departments or divisions within an organization. Q: What are three of the most common signs that change may be needed in a company? A: New competitors, a merger, or decreasing profits are a few of the many reasons a change may

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