Sunday, June 07, 2015

Course Syllabus for Product Design and Development

Daraga, Albay 4501


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Operations Management Program

-       Product Design and Development using AutoCAD
First Semester AY 2015-2016

Vision of Bicol University:
            An excellent university characterized by scholarship engagement for the community towards sustainable development.

            To give professional and technical training, and provide advanced and specialized instruction in literature, philosophy, the sciences and arts, besides providing for the promotion of scientific and technological researches (Sec. 30, P.D. 5521). Extension service to the community, resource generation through various production endeavors complement the University’s mandated instruction and research functions.

BU Quality Policy
            Bicol University commits to continually strive for excellence in instruction, research and extension, by meeting the highest level of clientele satisfaction and adhering to quality standards.

Goals of the College of Business, Economics and Management
1.  To provide the highest quality of education in the field of business, economics and management that is responsive to regional and national development;
2.  To pursue relevant research and extension activities through linkages with business organizations, and government and non-government agencies;
3.    To initiate vigorously income-generating activities for improving the financial capability of the college; and
4.  To establish the highest degree of efficiency, effectiveness, collegiality in making decisions and transparency in the administrative system.


1.   To develop and implement curricular program that should equip students with conceptual, human relations, and technical skills needed in the management of varied forms of organization both private and public;
2.   To assist the graduates in finding work opportunities appropriate to their educational preparation, and with potential for growth; and
3.  To maintain a strong alumni network and sustain a continuing exchange o support between the school and the graduates.

1.    To encourage faculty-student partnership in institutional/community development studies through subject-based researches;
2.    To pursue joint researches with other academic departments/external offices or agencies on common or related grounds
3.    To undertake research capability enhancement activities for the faculty members and students of the department; and
4.    To conduct presentations and other odes of dissemination of research results to the local governments and to the private sector.

1.    To adopt partner barangays and other private or public communities or organizations in development-oriented undertaking which may serve as practicum for management students;
2.    To organize community-based for a for discussions of government and business issues concerning community development; and
3.    To undertake extension service capability enhancement activities for the faculty members and students

1.    To organize and implement income-generating activities which are supportive of the instruction, research, and extension activities of the faculty members and students; and

2.    To establish tie-ups with establishments who could help in financing and marketing concerns of the departmental income-generating programs.

I. Course Title:

PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT USING AUTOCAD                                                     
II. Course Description       :           The course covers modern tools and methods for product design and development. Topics include identifying customer needs, concept generation, product architecture, industrial design, and design-for-manufacturing.

III. Time Duration                :           54 Hours

IV. Credit Units                    :           3 Units

V.  Placement                      :            BSBA Operations Management 4

VI. Course Objectives       :           At the end of the course, the students must be able to:

A.   General Objectives

1. To understand and apply operations management skills as they relate to product design and development; and
2. To demonstrate product design and development skills.

B.   Specific Objectives

1.  To gain clear understanding of the subject matter and guidelines
2.  To understand and value the basis product design and development.
3.  To define terminologies and examine its importance.
4.  To demonstrate how to design and develop products
5.  To be aware of ways to design and develop products
6.  To assess and evaluate the students proficiency on the lessons learned

VII. Course Contents

1. Overview (2 Hours)
a.    Course Syllabus Orientation
b.    Setting and Levelling of Expectancies
c.    Sharing of Personal Identity
d.    Classroom Policies and Procedures
e.    Grouping and Seat Plan

1. Overview (2 Hours)
a.    Course Syllabus Orientation
b.    Setting and Levelling of Expectancies
c.    Sharing of Personal Identity
d.    Classroom Policies and Procedures
e.    Grouping and Seat Plan

2. The Design Process (6 Hours)
a. Terminologies
b. Functions of Design
c. Benefits of Design Process
d. Characteristics of an Effective Design Process
e. Criteria of a Good Design
f. Steps of the Design Process

3. Reducing Time to Market
a. Breaking down the barriers of Effective Design

4. Improving the Quality of Design

5. Special Considerations in Service Design

6. Tools in Product Development

7. Legal, Ethical and Environmental Issues

8. Simulation/Application (6 Hours)

9. Midterm and Final Examination (3 Hours)

VIII. Activities
a.    Classroom Discussion
b.    Participation in the program/department/college/university activities
c.    Attendance to related seminars with prior approval by the concerned college officials
d.    Report
e.    Research
f.    Designing nd developing product and service

IX. Methodology/Teaching Strategies
a.    Setting and Leveling of Class Expectancies
b.    Lecture
c.    Power point presentation
d.    Simulation/Role Play
e.    Case Study Analysis
f.     Research Work
g.    Quizzes
h.    Examinations
i.      Report

X. Course Requirements/research work/assigned reports or projects
1.    Projects  (Portfolio/Simulation/Application)
2.    Class Standing/Participation (Seatworks/Recitations/Assignments/ Worksheets/Short Quizzes)
3.    Examinations (Midterms and Finals/Written and Orals)
4.    Long Quizzes

XI. System of Computing Grades
                        CRITERIA                                                                 WEIGHT
                        Mid-Term/Final Exams                                                35%
                        Long Quizzes                                                                 20%
                        Projects                                                                          25%
                        Class Standing/Participation                                     20%
            TOTAL                                                                                100%
            PASSING GRADE                                                             75%  

Final Grade = (1/2 Midterm Grade + 1/3 Tentative Final Grade)         

NOTE: This syllabus allows flexibility to accommodate revisions and/or as the course progresses.                 

XII. Bibliography
Ronnie M. Millevo, A Complete Procedural Guide Handbook on Product Design and Development Fundamentals of Industrial Design

Prepared by:

Professorial Lecturer

Recommending Approval:

Department Chairperson
Date Signed: ______________________


                                                            EDDIE S. SEE, Professor 6, RPAE, MBA, Ed. D.

                                                            Date: _____________________

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