Monday, June 08, 2015

P.D.D. Module 1 The Design Process

I.Time Frame:
June 8, 2015
3 Hours * 100p - 400p

II. Course Code:

III. Course Title: Product Design and Development

IV. Objectives
1. Define Terminologies
2. Create and Expkain Product and Design Process

V. Subject Matter
The Design Process
a. Special Considerations in Service Design Process
Reference: Operations Management

VI. Procedure
A. Introduction
1. Daily Routine
a. Checking of Attendance

B. Pre-Discussion
1. Vocabulary Building
a. Design
b. Product Design VS Service Design

2. Talk
Customer Service at Sun Cellular Shop

3. Motivation Question
Give an example of a product or service you have encountered that was poorly designed. Make a list of factors that make a design unworkable.

4.Motive Question
What should you do to make a design workable?

5. Exercise
a. Students wil be given a diagram of process design and service design
b. Students will be given time to analyze the diagram.
c. Students will be called to explain in front.

6. Presentation

1. Content - 5
Introduction, Main Points, Transitions, Knowledge, Conclusion
2. Delivery - 5
Eye Contact, Expression, Enthusiasm, Gestures, Demeanor
3. Visual Aids - 5
Readable, Labels, Visual Appeal

C. During Discussion
1. Engagement Activity
a. What are steps in the design process for product and service?
b. Can services be designed in the same manner as products?
C. What are the special considerations in servics design process?

VII. Assessment/Evaluation
1. Prepare for a short quiz next meeting

VIII. Assignment

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