Thursday, June 04, 2015


I. Course Title                      :           Management Information System

II. Course Description       :           The course examines

III. Time Duration                :           54 Hours

IV. Credit Units                    :           3 Units

V.  Placement                      :            BSBA Operations Management 4

VI. Course Objectives       :           At the end of the course, the students must be able to:

A.   General Objectives

1. To understand and apply 
2. To demonstrate
B.   Specific Objectives

1.  To gain clear understanding of the subject matter and guidelines
2.  To understand and value 
3.  To define terminologies and examine its importance.
4.  To demonstrate how to
5.  To be aware
6.  To assess and evaluate the students proficiency on the lessons learned
7.  To determine 
8.  To understand the
9.  To demonstrate 

VII. Course Contents

1. Overview (2 Hours)
a.    Course Syllabus Orientation
b.    Setting and Levelling of Expectancies
c.    Sharing of Personal Identity
d.    Classroom Policies and Procedures
e.    Grouping and Seat Plan

2. Introduction to Information System (2 Hours)
a. Terminologies
1. IS vs MIS
2. IT vs ICT
3. Data vs Information vs Knowledge
b. Purposes/Roles of MIS
c. IT Architecture
d. IT Infrastructure
e. The Global Web-Based Platform
1. The World is Flat
a. 3 Stages of Globalization
b. Ten Flatteners of the World

3. Information System and the Modern Organization

4. Information Systems: Ethics, Privacy and Security

5. Database Management System

6. Network Applicatons, Web 2.0, Distance Learning and Telecomuting

7. Electronic Commerce

8. Wireless Technologies and the Modern Organization

9. Simulation/Application (8 Hours)

10. Midterm and Final Examination (3 Hours)

VIII. Activities
a.    Classroom Discussion
b.    Participation in the program/department/college/university activities
c.    Attendance to related seminars with prior approval by the concerned college officials
d.    Report
e.    Research

IX. Methodology/Teaching Strategies
a.    Setting and leveling of class expectancies
b.    Lecture
c.    Power point presentation
d.    Simulation/Role Play
e.    Case Study Analysis
f.     Research Work
g.    Quizzes
h.    Examinations
i.      Reports
J.   Discussion

X. Course requirements/research work/assigned reports or projects
1.    Projects  (Simulation/Application)
2.    Class Standing/Participation (Seatworks/Recitations/Assignments/ Worksheets/Short Quizzes)
3.    Examinations (Midterms and Finals/Written and Orals)
4.    Long Quizzes (Written and Orals)

XI. Audio Visual Materials
a. Course Syllabus
b. Reference books

XII. System of computing grade
                        CRITERIA                                                                 WEIGHT
                        Mid-Term/Final Exams                                                35%
                        Long Quizzes                                                                 20%
                        Projects                                                                          25%
                        Class Standing/Participation                                     20%
                       TOTAL                                                                            100%
                      PASSING GRADE                                                             75%  

Final Grade = (1/2 Midterm Grade + 1/3 Tentative Final Grade)         

NOTE: This syllabus allows flexibility to accommodate revisions and/or as the course progresses.                 

XIII. Bibliography
R. Kelly Rainer, Jr and Efraim Turban, Introduction to Information system 2nd edition, John Wileyand Sons, Inc, 2009
Raymond McLeod, Jr and George P. Schell, Management Information Systems
Management Information System: Managing the Digital Firm

Prepared by


Professorial Lecturer
Date Prepared

Recommending Approval


Chairperson, Management Department
Date Signed




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