Sunday, August 30, 2015

P.F.S./Biz Plan1 Lesson 6: The Anatomy of the Marketing Plan

Marketing Feasibility 

  1. Market Description
  2. Demand Analysis (Table)
  3. Supply Analysis (Table)
  4. Demand Supply Analysis (Table)
  5. General Marketing Practices
  6. Proposed Marketing Program
  7. Sales Forecast or Projection (Table)
  8. Systems and Form Designs 

Geographic Segmentation

Demographic Segmentation

Behavioral Segmentation

Product Mix Width

Product Line

Brand Name

Brand Mark

Trade Mark

Trade Name





Service/Product Life Cycle
Introduction Stage

Growth Stage

Maturity Stage


Biz Env. and Entrep Lesson 16/BizOp1 Lesson 8: The Hot Seat: Unwrapping the Gift of Gab

I.Time Frame:

II. Class Schedule:
Course Code: Entrep 201
Course Title: Business Opportunities 1

III. Objectives

IV. Subject Matter
1. The Hot Seat: Unwrapping the Gift of Gab
2. Reference:

V. Procedure
A. Introduction
1. Daily Routine
a. Checking of Attendance

B. Pre-Discussion
1. Exercise
a. Script Reading

C. During Discussion
1. Engagement Activity

I. Types of Job Interviews
1. Telephone
2. Screening
3. Depth
4. Test
5. Stress
6. Taped
7. Panel
8. Meal
9. Hands On
10. Simulation

II. The Stages of the Job Interview
A. Before
1. Define your personal and online brand (self awareness)
2. Research your company
3. Cope with anxiety
a. Speech and Body Workout
1. The Sarnoff Method
2. Pushing the Wall
3. The Tea Kettle
4. The Siamese Position
5. The Shimmy
6. I'm a Superstar
7. Sound Chamber
A. Palms
B. Forehead
C. Back to back
9. The Shrug
10. The Shoulder Roll and Shrug
11.Instant Warmers

B. During
1. The Opening Stage
2. The Information Gathering Stage
3. The Information Giving Stage
4. The Closing Stage
-ask question

C After
1. Follow Up
2. Analysis/Evaluation

III. Types of Job interview questions:
1. Credential
2. Experience
3. Opinion
4. Dumb
5. Math
6. Case
7. Behavioral
8. Competence
9. Negative
10. Illegal
11. Homework

IV. Answering Techniques
1. Turtling
2. Star

Use the   STAR     interview technique to paint a word picture of yourself to potential employers.

S   Situation   
Recently I was part of a group project in my Organizational Communications class.  We had an assignment to design an effective public relations campaign for a fictitious company.

T   Task   
We chose to market a bank that was opening a new office in a small community.  We had to come up with a marketing plan and media kit designed to introduce the company to its new community and to solicit new bank customers.

A   Action   
As the project team leader, I set up an appointment with the Director of Marketing at XYZ Bank and got her insight on the project.  After the meeting, I came up with a creative marketing plan, which was enthusiastically received by the other group members.  I then assigned each group member a particular task, based on his or her area of expertise.  For example, one member of our group was responsible for designing the bank’s logo and another member was responsible for writing a press release.  I monitored the group’s progress to make sure we were meeting our deadlines and also put together a strong oral presentation to make to the class.

R   Result  

The project was fun and allowed me to develop the management skills necessary to lead a very diverse group of six people.  The most rewarding part was that our group received the highest marks in the class, and the professor currently uses our project materials as an example for his classes

3. I believe
4. FAB

My name is _______. I am a _______________. I have ____________ that are _________, which would be ________ to you and your firm.

Gained by the company. ________________

An aspect of your career that makes you unique _______________

Something that sets you apart from the average. _________________

5. Inverted Pyramid

V. Do’s and Don’ts:
  1. Communicate in ENGLISH!  (However, the medium of the interviewer will determine how you should respond.  
  2. Avoid GAP FILLERS such as “Uhm…You know…Something kinda like that…”  
  3. Avoid stuttering and stammering.
  4. Maintain eye contact.
  5. Respond to questions in a crystal clear voice.
  6. Be direct to the point.  Be concise.
  7. If you engage yourselves in a fun moment during the interview, laugh elegantly, not like a HYENA.
  8. Use proper Hand Gestures
  9. Apply the necessary the body language and emotional expression (but never DRAMATIC).
  10. Be in Proper Business Attire
VI. The Job Interview Games
1. Distractions
2. Stress
3. Apparent Interviewer Attitudes
4. Interview Style

VII. Words to Lose
1. Honestly
2. Actually

VI. Assessment

VII. Assignment

M.I.S/Biz Env./Biz Op1 Lesson 7: C.V., Resume, Bio-Data and P.D.S

I.Time Frame:

II. Class Schedule:
Course Code: Entrep 201
Course Title: Business Opportunities 1, Management Information System

III. Objectives

IV. Subject Matter
2. Reference: Ateneo de Manila University

V. Procedure
A. Introduction
1. Daily Routine
a. Checking of Attendance

B. Discusssion
1. Engagement Activity

The résumé is a 5- to 30-second advertisement,, highlightiing one’s marketability / employability as a prospect.. 

It seeks:
1. to put one in the best light 
2. to convince the employer that he/she has what it takes to succeed with them..
3. to get you an interview

1. Chronological
2. Functional
3. Combination

 One-Two page only!

Source: DLSU

1. Career Objective
-top 3 carreer fields only (i.e. banking, retail, entertainment, sales)..
-All entries in the resume should be aligned with this section
- should state position, give and take to the company

To contribute strong __________________ skills and experience to you firm in a ____________ capacity

Advertising – Accounts Hotell and Restaurrant Mgt..
Advertising – Crreatiives (Arrt) Human Resourrce Dev’t..
Advertising – Crreatiives (Copy) IInsurrance – Actuarry
Advertising – Prroductiion IInsurrance – Salles Agent
Adverrtiisiing – Post-Prroductiion Logiistiics and Diistrriibutiion
Adverrtiisiing – Strrategiic Pllanniing Mallll Management
Aiirrlliine IIndustrry (Crrew) Marrketiing – Brrand Mgt..
Arrts – Gallllerry Curratorr Marrketiing – Researrch
Arrts – Liiterraturre Mediia – Brroadsheet / Jourrn..
Arrts – Perrfforrmiing (Theaterr) Mediia – Fiillm Prroductiion
Arrts – Photogrraphy Mediia – Games (Onlliine)
Automotiive IIndustrry (Carrs) Mediia – IInterrnet / Web
Communiity Devellopment Mediia – Magaziine Publliishiing
Computerr and II..T.. – Harrdwarre Engiineerriing Mediia – Radiio Brroadcastiing
Computerr and II..T.. – Prrogrrammiing Mediia – TV Prroductiion
Computerr and II..T.. – Prrojject Management Merrchandiisiing
Computerr and II..T.. – Sofftwarre Engiineerriing NGO Worrk
Constrructiion IIndustrry Prroduct Devellopment
Consulltancy – HR Prroffessiionall – Showbiiz IIndustrry
Consulltancy – II..T.. Prroffessiionall – Musiic
Consulltancy – Mgt.. Prroffessiionall – Sporrts
Corrp.. Foundatiion Worrk PR / Corrp.. Communiicatiions
Corrp.. Sociiall Responsiibiilliity Reall Estate
Events Mgt.. Researrch
Fashiion – Desiign Retaiill Management
Fashiion – Merrchandiisiing Salles
Fiinance – Commerrciiall Bankiing Supplly Chaiin / Operratiions
Fiinance – IInvestment Bankiing Teachiing – Prreschooll
Fiinance – Corrporrate Teachiing – Grrade Schooll
Fiinance – IInvestment Management Teachiing – Hiigh Schooll
Forreiign Embassy Worrk Teachiing – Collllege
Forreiign Language (IInterrprreterr) Teachiing – Speciiall Ed..
Heallth and Fiitness IIndustrry Tellecommuniicatiions IIndustrry
Government / Public Admin.. Travel and Tourism Industry

2. Education: College level only.
College level onlly.. Include honors for graduation (e..g.. Cum llaude candiidatte,, Prrogrram Awarrdee,, ettc..),, JTA,, Miinorr(s) Taken,, and Schollarrshiip Grrantts.. Do nott iincllude Hiigh Schooll and Grrade Schooll,, unlless you werre tthe Vallediicttorriian orr Salluttattorriian.. Ottherr tthan tthese ttwo,, no Hiigh/Grrade Schooll citations please..

3. Work-Related Experience:
Include Practicum or Interrnshiip stiintt(s) wiitth orrganiizattiion(s) outtsiide Atteneo.. Allso,, pllease wrriitte ottherr experriiences on--campus (e..g.. worrk porrttffolliios,,frreellance grraphiic desiigns, busiinesses you rran / conductted,, ettc).. Fiinalllly,, you may allso putt yourr tthesiis,, prrojjectts,, paperrs,, and rresearrches iin cllass..

4. Co-Curricullar Activities.
Arrrrange iin chrronollogiicall orrderr (ii..e.. ffrrom mostt rrecentt/prresentt goiing back).. Wrriitte
Posiittiion(s),, IIncllusiive Datte(s),, and siigniiffiicantt achiievementts fforr tthe orrg.. Rememberr tto wrriitte tthe Orrg’’s Compllette Name

5. Awards Received (Optional) 
 -Include non--academic awards like “Best Features Staffer” or “Moro Lorenzo Awardee for Sports”

6. Seminars Attended (Optional)
 -Include Role (i..e.. Speaker, Facilitator)

7. Skills and Interests - paragraph form
Source: Ateneo De Manila University

8. Summary of Qualification/Profile/Core Competencies (*Only for those with work experience)

Comprehensive record of all your professional activities including education, teaching, publications, awards and others.
Synopsis of the most relevant professional experiences you have for the particular job you are applying for. It is typically 1 to 2 pages in length
Factual kinds of questions about life and work experiences, as well as to items involving opinions, values, beliefs, and attitudes that reflect a historical perspective
Summary of your educational and academic backgrounds, as well as teaching and research experience, publication, presentation, awards and honors, affiliations

No Job Objective
Summary of your skills, experience and education

Brief and Concise

Has a Job Objective
Biographical and autobiographical questions
Used in Job Applications; Thesis; Fellowship and Grants; Faculty Opening
Used in Job Applications
Any Purpose
2 page or more/ No-Page Limit
Length is an indication of accomplishment
1 or 2 page
Shorter is Better

To get you an interview
To get you an interview
Career Planning
Award Applications
To get you an interview

Action Words
Use with caution – verb must communicate a skill-set that has value.  
  1. achieved
  2. accelerated
  3. accessioned
  4. accomplished
  5. acquired
  6. acted
  7. active in
  8. adapted
  9. added
  10. addressed
  11. adjusted
  12. administered
  13. advised
  14. advocated
  15. allocated
  16. analyzed
  17. applied
  18. appointed
  19. appraised
  20. approved
  21. arranged
  22. articulated
  23. assembled
  24. assessed
  25. assigned
  26. assimilated
  27. assisted
  28. assumed
  29. attained
  30. audited
  31. augmented
  32. authorized
  33. balanced
  34. broadened
  35. budgeted
  36. built
  37. cataloged
  38. chaired
  39. changed
  40. clarified
  41. classified
  42. coached
  43. collaborated
  44. collected
  45. communicated
  46. compared
  47. compiled
  48. completed
  49. composed
  50. conceived
  51. conducted
  52. consolidated
  53. constructed
  54. consulted
  55. contacted
  56. contributed
  57. controlled
  58. converted
  59. corrected
  60. corresponded
  61. counseled
  62. created
  63. critiqued
  64. decreased
  65. defined
  66. delegated
  67. delivered
  68. demonstrated
  69. described
  70. designated
  71. designed
  72. determined
  73. developed
  74. devised
  75. directed
  76. displayed
  77. distributed
  78. documented
  79. doubled
  80. drafted
  81. earned
  82. edited
  83. educated
  84. effected
  85. eliminated
  86. employed
  87. enacted
  88. encouraged
  89. engaged
  90. enlarged
  91. enlisted
  92. established
  93. estimated
  94. evaluated
  95. examined
  96. executed
  97. exercised
  98. exhibited
  99. expanded
  100. expedited
  101. facilitated
  102. finalized
  103. followed up
  104. forecasted
  105. formed
  106. formulated
  107. fostered
  108. founded
  109. functioned
  110. furnished
  111. gathered
  112. generated
  113. guided
  114. halved
  115. handled
  116. headed
  117. helped
  118. identified
  119. illustrated
  120. implemented
  121. improved
  122. improvised
  123. increased
  124. influenced
  125. informed
  126. initiated
  127. innovated
  128. inspected
  129. instituted
  130. instructed
  131. integrated
  132. interpreted
  133. interviewed
  134. introduced
  135. invented
  136. investigated
  137. involved
  138. issued
  139. justified
  140. launched
  141. learned
  142. lectured
  143. led
  144. located
  145. logged
  146. made
  147. maintained
  148. managed
  149. marketed
  150. measured
  151. mediated
  152. modified
  153. molded
  154. monitored
  155. motivated
  156. negotiated
  157. notified
  158. observed
  159. obtained
  160. operated
  161. ordered
  162. organized
  163. oversaw
  164. participated
  165. perceived
  166. performed
  167. persuaded
  168. pinpointed
  169. pioneered
  170. planned
  171. prepared
  172. presented
  173. processed
  174. procured
  175. produced
  176. programmed
  177. promoted
  178. proposed
  179. proved
  180. provided
  181. published
  182. purchased
  183. raised
  184. reallocated
  185. received
  186. recommended
  187. reconciled
  188. recruited
  189. redesigned
  190. reduced
  191. referred
  192. regulated
  193. reinforced
  194. reported
  195. represented
  196. requested
  197. requisitioned
  198. researched
  199. resolved
  200. revamped
  201. reviewed
  202. revised
  203. scheduled
  204. screened
  205. searched
  206. secured
  207. served
  208. serviced
  209. set up
  210. simplified
  211. sold
  212. solved
  213. sparked
  214. spoke
  215. staffed
  216. standardized
  217. started
  218. stimulated
  219. stored
  220. streamlined
  221. strengthened
  222. stressed
  223. stretched
  224. structured
  225. studied
  226. submitted
  227. succeeded
  228. suggested
  229. summarized
  230. superseded
  231. supervised
  232. supplied
  233. supported
  234. surveyed
  235. tailored
  236. taught
  237. terminated
  238. tested
  239. traced
  240. tracked
  241. traded
  242. trained
  243. transferred
  244. transformed
  245. translated
  246. trimmed
  247. tripled
  248. turned
  249. tutored
  250. uncovered
  251. unified
  252. updated
  253. upgraded
  254. used
  255. utilized
  256. verified
  257. won
  258. wrote