Sunday, August 09, 2015

Case Analysis

  1. Case study assignments are designed not merely to evaluate your understanding but also to help you learn the material.
  2. Case study assignment will be done by pair or group. In that case, the two of you should submit a single report. Generally, each partner receives the same grade. However, I reserve the right to verify your individual involvement and understanding, and give a different grade to each individual
  3. In addition, your class participation grade will be partly based on your evaluation by your partner(s) or members. Thus, it is important that you fully participate in any partnership.
  4. You may change your partner from assignment to assignment. If, because of your schedule, you find it impossible to work with a partner, I will accept your individual assignment.
  5. All assignments must be professionally done -- properly organized, neat, word-processed, spell checked, etc. Case studies are due on prescribed dates
  6. No late submission is accepted once I return the marked assignments.
  7. Be prepared to discuss all cases in class including the cases you do not hand in
  8. Don’t repeat the facts of the case, use the facts to complete your analysis providing support for your argument. Take a definite stance and support it.
  9. There is not a right answer but there is usually a better answer than others. More important is to provide your answer and provide support for it.
  10. USE BULLET points for each question. With each point, provide the supporting case facts with it. Also, be concise, the grades for cases will not be provided based on how much the analysis weighs or how many words are in it.
  11. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in class

View Point
Any person who is a decision-maker is capable of recommending a solution as mentioned in the case or any consultant hired to recommend a solution

Time Context

Problem Statement
This defines the perceived problem presented in the case and which is the subject of the analysis. It may be presented in a declarative form or in the form of a question.

Statement of the Objectives

Areas of Consideration
Defines the internal and external environment of the company discernibe


Alternative Courses of Action



Plan of Action

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